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Interface DateControlProps

Props for a DateControl.



Optional confirmationRequired

confirmationRequired: boolean | function

Whether the Control has to obtain explicit confirmation of the value.

If true:

  • the Control will take initiative to explicitly confirm the value with a yes/no question.


id: string

Unique identifier for control instance

Optional inputHandling

Props to configure input handling.

Optional interactionModel

Props to customize the relationship between the control and the interaction model.

Optional prompts

Props to customize the prompt fragments that will be added by this.renderAct().

Optional reprompts

Props to customize the reprompt fragments that will be added by this.renderAct().

Optional required

required: boolean | function

Determines if the Control must obtain a value.

  • If true the Control will take initiative to elicit a value.
  • If false the Control will not take initiative to elicit a value, but the user can provide one if they wish, e.g. "U: I would like this by Tuesday".

Optional validation

Function(s) that determine if the value is valid.

Default: true, i.e. any value is valid.


  • Validation functions return either true or a ValidationResult to describe what validation failed.

  • Common validation functions are defined in the DateControlValidations namespace which can be added directly to this prop. e.g.:

    valid: DateControlValidations.FUTURE_DATE_ONLY,

Optional valueRenderer

valueRenderer: undefined | function

Function that maps the DateControlState.value to a corresponding rendered value that will be presented to the user.

Default: returns the value unchanged.